Founder & CEO

Jamila Agbloe has been in the Healthcare Industry for more than 20 years. As an Approved AAPC Instructor, Jamila holds the following credentials: CPC, CPMA, CRC. Jamila’s expertise is in coding and auditing, with an emphasis on Risk Adjustment (HCC), Evaluation/Management, Compliance and Provider Education.

411 Medical Coding is a leader in Healthcare Business Consulting, Medical Auditing and Revenue Cycle Management. We also specialize in Coding Education and Provider Enrollment. For those who wish to pursue a career as a Certified Professional Coder, our highly recommended Medical Coding Course is licensed through AAPC.

At 411 Medical Coding, we know how vital the impact medical billing and coding has within the Healthcare Industry. Especially in rural areas. As someone who grew up in a small town, Jamila knows first hand how detrimental it can be not having adequate resources. It’s fundamental to the doors being kept open or closed at medical practices and hospitals. Billing and coding is a key factor to the medically disenfranchised populations.

We also understand how crucial it is having access to learn a new skill that can take your life in a whole new direction. By becoming a Certified Professional Coder, you’ll have access to a multitude of positions within the healthcare field both onsite and remote. Let 411 Medical Coding help you embrace these opportunities.

At 411 Medical Coding we aim to provide these specific services, which aren’t always readily available, outside an urban, metropolitan area. We thrive knowing how life changing the services we offer can be to those who need them most. If you’re ready to embark on a new career in coding or want increased efficiency at your practice, we’re here for you. Let’s navigate a new path to success together!